Browsing the web, you may encounter either an “HTTPS” or “HTTP” prefix at the beginning of a web address. What does that extra “S” mean? How does it affect browsing experience, and how can it benefit WordPress site?
HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, while HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This describes the protocol that transmits user-input information: monetary data such as credit card numbers, personal information, and login IDs from browser to the hosting website. The most important difference is that HTTPS sites have an additional layer of security. Sites featuring HTTPS are much more secure, encrypting sensitive or private data input by the user. and the host are the only entities able to see the data passed over the web. yberthieves and scammers are unable to intercept your users’ data and use it to steal money or critical identity data. HTTPS is most easily imagined as a digital lock – hence the icon of HTTPS security is an image of a padlock located next to the URL.
Boosting your WordPress website’s search engine ranking and arriving at the top of search engine results should compel every site author. Increasing your web security optimizes your search engine rankings. This is because most major search engines have begun including the websites’ security as an important qualifier in rankings. Websites having HTTPS was first added as a criteria for web ranking in 2014, and is now often seen as a tie-breaker for similarly ranked websites. While HTTPS is not as critical in determining web rankings as, say, key words, it should not be overlooked, especially when all the other advantages are factored in.
Another useful aspect of adopting HTTPS is building users’ trust and confidence. The web today is littered with thousands of fake websites, and scams and data theft are rampant. This causes users to be cautious when interacting with any website that requires personal information or payments. With your website HTTPS secured, users feel they can trust your intent, the identities of the hosts, and the veracity of your content. Many WordPress site owners use their site to gather personal information, enabling them to provide goods and services. This data may be credit card details, biographical information, and physical addresses. Some websites require you to log in with usernames and passwords. HTTPS protects any sensitive data from malicious cyber criminals, unauthorized uses, and any illicit third-party access.
HTTPS also helps boost browsing speed. Modern browsers are enabled to identify less than secure websites. When this happens, they pause the session and issue a warning for the user to confirm if they want to proceed to the unsecured website. This can make users leave your WordPress website. With an HTTPS-enabled website, browsers will load faster. HTTPS encrypts data and wards its integrity.
HTTPS gives your WordPress website defenses that can be helpful for dialing up user confidence and retention. There are multiple additional benefits from utilizing HTTPS certification, such as boosting SEO and rapid website loading times. If you are building a WordPress site on your own, maintaining an existing site, or contracting a site to be built for you, HTTPS makes sense.
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